UDDS OX API - documentation ver.2.5 (2023-04-07) ( www.dlaoperatora.pl )

Function swpbThreadInsert


      $parameters = array(
        [ 'group' ] = '' ;                 // optional thread group name ( max 32 chars )
        [ 'status' ] = '' ;                // required status active | finished | rejected ( default is active )
        [ 'origin' ] = '' ;                // optional object/query origin eg. www, phone, visit in office etc ...
        [ 'title' ] = '' ;                 // required thread title
        [ 'idCompany' ] = '' ;             // optional crm customer company id
        [ 'idPerson' ] = '' ;              // optional crm customer person id
        [ 'name' ] = '' ;                  // optional customer name
        [ 'surname' ] = '' ;               // optional customer surname
        [ 'organisationName' ] = '' ;      // optional customer organisation/company surname
        [ 'phoneNumber1' ] = '' ;          // optional customer phone number 1
        [ 'phoneNumber2' ] = '' ;          // optional customer phone number 2
        [ 'email' ] = '' ;                 // optional customer email
        [ 'city' ] = '' ;                  // optional customer city
        [ 'www' ] = '' ;                   // optional customer www
        [ 'nextContactDate' ] = '' ;       // optional contact date YYYY-MM-DD ( default id `today` )
        [ 'idPersonCrmUser' ] = '' ;       // optional ksi crm user id. Default value will be get form parameteters 
                                           //   $userDBConfig [ 'crmUser' ][ 'person' ][ 'id' ]
                                           //   CRMParameters::get ( "API", 'konfiguracja', 'uzytkownik', 'id-osoby' ) ;
        [ 'idSource' ] = '' ;              // optional CRM source entity id
        [ 'source' ] = '' ;                // optional CRM entity name eg. R2 | OFERTY_WWW | FAKTURY etc ...


Status information and created thread id.
array (
  [ 'status' ] = 'OK',
  [ 'idThread' ] = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',


array (
  [ 'status' ] = 'FAIL',
  [ 'errors' ] = array( ... ),  


  require_once ( 'classUddsOx.php' ) ;

  $udds = new classUddsOx ;
  $udds->customerCode = [your_customerCode] ;
  $udds->login = [your_login] ;
  $udds->password = [your_password] ;
  $udds->serverUrl = 'http://api.dlaoperatora.pl/udds/' ;
  $myParams = array() ;
  $myParams [ 'group' ] = 'offer' ;
  $myParams [ 'status' ] = 'active' ;
  $myParams [ 'origin' ] = 'www-form-small' ;
  $myParams [ 'title' ] = 'Zapytanie dot. oferty XXX' ;
  $myParams [ 'name' ] = 'Tomasz' ;
  $myParams [ 'surname' ] = 'Testowski' ;
  $myParams [ 'phoneNumber1' ] = '609040000' ;
  $myParams [ 'email' ] = 'kasiatest@testowex.nn' ;
  $myParams [ 'city' ] = 'Warszawa' ;
  $myParams [ 'www' ] = 'http://www.oferty.pl/oferta_wakacje_23432.html' ;

  $ret = $udds->swpbThreadInsert( $myParams ) ;

Returns $ret =
array ( [ 'status' ] = 'OK', [ 'idThread' ] = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', )