['idReservation'] = idReservation R2.ID_R2 integer ['idParticipantList'] = array() // list of idParticipant // orray of {R2_PAX.ID_R2_PAX} // or special meaning values: // 0 = payer {R2.ID_KLIENT_FIRMA || R2.ID_KLIENT_OSOBA} // -1 = agent person {R2.ID_AGENTA_OSOBA} // -2 = agency company {R2.ID_AGENTA} // -3 = org. {R2.ID_DOSTAWCY} // -4 = alternative org. {R2.ID_ALT_ODDZIAL} ['documentNameList'] = array() ( reservation documents templates list ) ['idDbFileList'] = array() ( list of idDbFile from CMS system ) PLIKI.ID_PLIKI ['title'] = string ( optional, alternative e-mail title ) string ['message'] = string ( optional, alternative message ) string
require_once ( 'classUddsOx.php' ) ; $udds = new classUddsOx ; $udds->customerCode = [your_customerCode] ; $udds->login = [your_login] ; $udds->password = [your_password] ; $udds->serverUrl = 'http://api.dlaoperatora.pl/udds/' ; $yourParams = array(); $yourParams [ 'idReservation' ] = 4 ; $yourParams [ 'idParticipantList' ] = array ( 0, 324, 325 ) ; $yourParams [ 'documentNameList' ] = array ( 'umowa_zgloszenie', 'voucher', 'museum_ticket' ) ; $yourParams [ 'title' ] = 'Alternatywny tytuł dla wiadomości z dokumentami.' ; $ret = $udds->sendReservationDocuments ( $yourParams ) ;
Returns $ret = Array ( 'status' => 'OK' ) OR Array ( 'status' => 'FAIL', 'error' => '1234:error message ...' )